Monday, September 23, 2013

Superb September!! Reasons to Love Turning 40

It's my BiRtHdAy!!!!  When I was younger, the count down to my birthday, began sometime in August.  And I was very good about reminding anyone who would listen, of exactly how many more days until my birthday.  I even had one year, that I went around singing, "It's my birthday!  Me, me, me! Me, me, me!"  Sounds cute, except I think I was 19....  I don't get as excited anymore.  Maybe, I just don't want to get my hopes up.  Maybe, I am just too tired.  Maybe it's because I turned 40.  I was determined to treat this as just any other day, but my family and friends came through for me and made it wonderful, once again! 
   1.     My husband called and wished me happy birthday this morning.  He often works out of state and I have to admit, that I was a little bummed that he would be in Kansas on my birthday.  It was good to hear his voice, but even better when I found out he would be home tonight.  That is exactly what I wanted for my birthday!!                                                            
Jalapeno cheddar smoked sausage, spicy brown mustard
and cheese
2. My girls, Abbi and Alli made me breakfast in bed.  This plate full of protein proves I am raising them right.  Or maybe they are raising me, as they know how cranky I get when my blood sugar gets low.
3.  My son made me a card all by him self.

4. And my grandmothers sent me some great cards.
 5. My mother in law stopped by in person to bring me a birthday card and a birthday gift.  She did a great job!  Especially since she had already given me a scarf and this gift came with a bag full of cookies.

6. My Mom is taking me out to lunch today for my birthday.  I generally expect a gift on my children's birthdays because I actually did all of the work on the day that they were born, but today I have a different outlook.  Let's not tell Mom about that and just let her spoil me a little bit. Okay?

7.These balloons arrived around 10:00 this morning.  Until that moment, no one realized that this was my 40th birthday. (Probably because I look so young and vivacious.....or maybe because I rarely act my age).  The question is, who sent them??  The card says, "From the gang".  I am personally affiliated with so many gangs, I am not sure who to thank for the card.  My co-workers, my family, my friends, my kiddos......Or is it actually my gang?  They are very cordial ya know, but I can't tell you their name. It goes against initiation rules. Blood in ~ blood out and all that...

8. Today is payday at work!

9. My kiddos all come home today!  There are several Volcko's and a couple of Harper's that have been away too long.  I can't wait to have all my little birdies back in their nests.

10.  Tonight is Homecoming at the school.  My daughter is in the parade and marching during halftime.  How exciting.  And it was so very nice to plan a whole parade and football game just because I turned 40. Thank you Liberators!

11.  The girls at work told me I didn't have to collect blood for hemoglobin tests today.  They know how much I just hate doing hemoglobins.  It's not the blood, it's the tears.  I just really hate hurting people.

12.  My hair looks really good today.

13.  I get to share my birthday month with some really awesome people.  My nephew, two nieces, two of my daughters, my brother, and several of my friends also have September birthdays. Happy birthday, Clayton, Anna, Riley, Sydney, Olivia, Curtis, Ronda, Erin, Karen and all of the rest.

14.  When my Mom came to collect me for lunch, she delivered a beautiful wreath that my sister made.  As you look closer at the wreath you will notice that it is full of suckers and the card says,  "40 sucks".

15.  Mom and Dad also gave me some goodies.  Including a pair of pants, a mushy card and this pretty picture frame.  I can't wait to go home and put pictures in all of my new frames.
16.  All of the well wishes from friends and family through text and Facebook, have been really nice.

 Thank you all for the wonderful birthday, well wishes, gifts, smiles and giggles.

Here's to happy, healthy, and whole~

Friday, September 13, 2013

Hear One, Do One, Teach One

Someone once told me the best way to learn something is to remember to "hear one, do one, and teach one".  The more I think about that one simple statement, the more sense it makes.  Now don't get me wrong, I still have LOTS to learn, but thankfully I have lots of kiddos still living at home and they do a great job of teaching me all about life.  As I think about my life's path leading me to this breast feeding business, I realize just how much "hear one, do one, and teach one" has helped me.  Hopefully, this awesome education will help me help you as you travel down your breast feeding path.
    Hear one:
I was raised among a family of breast feeders.  My grandmother's breast fed their babies. And when their daughters became mothers, they taught them to breastfeed their babies.  So I was always around a breastfeeding mother, whether it was an aunt, cousin, or my own mother.  It was not only natural, it was normal. They never tried to hide breastfeeding from me and therefore, I really wasn't that curious. As a child, I don't remember watching anyone breastfeed, because it wasn't that interesting to me.  They were just feeding their baby.  Big deal!  I had acres of fields and creeks to play in and that is exactly where I spent most of my childhood.  
    As I grew older, and decidedly had to pretend to be a grown up, the day came that I became a mother myself.  Following in the footsteps of the mothers before me, I knew I would breastfeed.  There was no choice or decision in it at all.  That's how women feed babies.  That's what our bodies are designed to do.  That's the healthiest choice for baby and I was going to be the perfect mother.  She would grow up to be the most sheltered, cared for baby in the world. (Quit giggling, she was my first.  Now a broken nose, dislocated elbow, chicken pox scars and plenty of tears, bumps and bruises later, I realize perfect mother does not equal good mother).  
     Do one:
 What my babyies taught me about breast feeding could fill volumes, some of it can be found in breastfeeding books all over book stores every where.  Some of it I had to learn myself, and you won't find it in the books, but thankfully I had really great teachers.
What my babies taught me:
Abbi - She was a natural nurser.  She wanted to eat every 3 hours (Not every 4 like the books about putting baby on a schedule had warned me never to veer away from).  My breasts would be larger, harder, and more tender than ever before.  My nipples would crack, and bleed.  And for the first 10 seconds of every nursing session, I would be digging my fingernails into the arm of my chair while I waited for the pain to subside.
Does she look like I starved her?
Alli-  I didn't know what an easy baby was until Allison arrived.  She taught me that some babies want to eat every 1 1/2 to 2 hours.  Some babies prefer one breast over the other.  She taught me that a nursing session can only last 7 minutes and baby can get exactly what she needs to be a rollie pollie healthy girl.  She taught me that breasts don't have to crack or bleed while breastfeeding.  She also, taught me about plugged milk ducts.  Whew! that was a lesson I have never forgotten.
Hannah: She taught me how to multitask.  For the first 18 months of Hannah's life she was on my left hip or in my arms 24 hours a day.  Yes, we co-slept; (I know, I know) yes, I had angry aunts and grandmas when Hannah screamed for me the minute I handed her off; yes, my left biceps were noticeably larger than my right. With Hannah it didn't matter how often or how long she nursed because I wasn't allowed to put her down anyway.
Hayden:  He taught me that a boy with a beautiful smile, will always melt your heart.  Even when they are biting.  Even when they are participating in a full on nursing strike.  He also taught me that it is okay to ask questions even if you know it all because you have grown up in a family of breast feeders and nursed four babies of your own.
See....the smile does it every time!
     Teach one:
When Hayden was about 6 months old, I became the Breast Feeding Peer Counselor for the Health Dept.  My job was to interact, support, and encourage breastfeeding women like me. I could take my baby with me and nurse whenever necessary.  How hard could it be?  I had certainly done my share of breastfeeding.  
     Well, I found out quickly, what I did not know.  My kids never taught me about thrush, yeast infections, low milk supply, tongue-tie, blebs, or lactose sensitivities.  They didn't teach me how to use an electric hospital grade pump or how to return to work and continue working.   They didn't teach me how quickly breastfeeding can get you down.  They really took it pretty easy on me and I was successful because although determined to breastfeed, I did not have a lot of obstacles to overcome with my own breastfeeding experience.
     I was left in good hands, though.  Thanks to all of you that have come to me with breastfeeding questions and concerns.  I have learned so much and in my effort to help you, you have taught me so much.  I now feel confident to answer questions or find answers to concerns as my new nursing mamas come to me.  Thank you all for being such great teachers and helping me learn how to help you.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Prize Basket

Hello?  Hello!  Oh there you are.  I bet you guys were wondering if I had just fallen off the face of the Earth.  Nope, still here! I have just been struggling through the chaos and finally got some time to blog.  There, there, sorry I left you alone for so long, but I am here now.
Tina and Raidyn Oldenburg
 So let's start out with a big CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS  going out to Tina Oldenburg!  Whoop! Whoop!  Tina was the August prize winner.  She and Raidyn took home the cooler basket full of goodies and hopefully it will be able to make her outings with her little ones a little more convenient.

If you didn't get in on the August prize basket, don't fret.  September is here and I have another prize basket just waiting to be taken home by some lucky mama.  It's another Boppy Basket filled with a hand pump, Lansinoh cream, receiving blankets, burp cloth, bib, and a few other goodies.  I can't wait to meet you and help you get signed up so stop by the Polk County Health Center today and fill out a drawing ticket.  It's FREE and available to all pregnant and breastfeeding Moms.

You can also call me, text me, email me or click on the button below to get signed up.  I just need your name, address, phone number, due date and email if you have one.  

I can't wait to hear from you!

Good Luck!