It's my BiRtHdAy!!!! When I was younger, the count down to my birthday, began sometime in August. And I was very good about reminding anyone who would listen, of exactly how many more days until my birthday. I even had one year, that I went around singing, "It's my birthday! Me, me, me! Me, me, me!" Sounds cute, except I think I was 19.... I don't get as excited anymore. Maybe, I just don't want to get my hopes up. Maybe, I am just too tired. Maybe it's because I turned 40. I was determined to treat this as just any other day, but my family and friends came through for me and made it wonderful, once again!
1. My husband called and wished me happy birthday this morning. He often works out of state and I have to admit, that I was a little bummed that he would be in Kansas on my birthday. It was good to hear his voice, but even better when I found out he would be home tonight. That is exactly what I wanted for my birthday!!
Jalapeno cheddar smoked sausage, spicy brown mustard and cheese |
2. My girls, Abbi and Alli made me breakfast in bed. This plate full of protein proves I am raising them right. Or maybe they are raising me, as they know how cranky I get when my blood sugar gets low.
3. My son made me a card all by him self.
4. And my grandmothers sent me some great cards.
5. My mother in law stopped by in person to bring me a birthday card and a birthday gift. She did a great job! Especially since she had already given me a scarf and this gift came with a bag full of cookies.
6. My Mom is taking me out to lunch today for my birthday. I generally expect a gift on my children's birthdays because I actually did all of the work on the day that they were born, but today I have a different outlook. Let's not tell Mom about that and just let her spoil me a little bit. Okay?
7.These balloons arrived around 10:00 this morning. Until that moment, no one realized that this was my 40th birthday. (Probably because I look so young and vivacious.....or maybe because I rarely act my age). The question is, who sent them?? The card says, "From the gang". I am personally affiliated with so many gangs, I am not sure who to thank for the card. My co-workers, my family, my friends, my kiddos......Or is it actually my gang? They are very cordial ya know, but I can't tell you their name. It goes against initiation rules. Blood in ~ blood out and all that...
8. Today is payday at work!
9. My kiddos all come home today! There are several Volcko's and a couple of Harper's that have been away too long. I can't wait to have all my little birdies back in their nests.
10. Tonight is Homecoming at the school. My daughter is in the parade and marching during halftime. How exciting. And it was so very nice to plan a whole parade and football game just because I turned 40. Thank you Liberators!
11. The girls at work told me I didn't have to collect blood for hemoglobin tests today. They know how much I just hate doing hemoglobins. It's not the blood, it's the tears. I just really hate hurting people.
12. My hair looks really good today.
13. I get to share my birthday month with some really awesome people. My nephew, two nieces, two of my daughters, my brother, and several of my friends also have September birthdays. Happy birthday, Clayton, Anna, Riley, Sydney, Olivia, Curtis, Ronda, Erin, Karen and all of the rest.
14. When my Mom came to collect me for lunch, she delivered a beautiful wreath that my sister made. As you look closer at the wreath you will notice that it is full of suckers and the card says, "40 sucks".
15. Mom and Dad also gave me some goodies. Including a pair of pants, a mushy card and this pretty picture frame. I can't wait to go home and put pictures in all of my new frames.
16. All of the well wishes from friends and family through text and Facebook, have been really nice.
Thank you all for the wonderful birthday, well wishes, gifts, smiles and giggles.
Here's to happy, healthy, and whole~