Monday, April 29, 2013

Am I too late?

Recently I received this email from one of my mom's who was having concerns about breastfeeding:

I had my baby boy Friday Morning. We had a lot happen recently and I thought I was going to have to go back to work within the next ten days so I chose to bottle feed. :( so not proud of that decision. I found out today I will be able to stay home for at least six weeks. So now I'm wondering am I to late to try? Is it possible I could still breast feed or did I really mess this up?

This was my response to her:

No worries, it is absolutely still possible.  Many women go through similar experiences and are still able to convince baby to breastfeed.  Baby’s who end up in NICU, Moms who have difficulties and are not immediately able to breast feed, even adoptive parents are sometimes able to breastfeed.  The reality of it is you may have a little struggle but you can do it.  Here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

     1.       First of all, stay calm.  It may be a little stressful latching baby on because he does not realize milk     comes from breasts, he believes that we eat from bottles.  But your breast milk should just be coming in and you will be able to feed him when he figures it out.

     2.       Bottles work because gravity pulls the milk out for baby.  Breasts work because baby massages them with his tongue and milk ejects from the breast so it may take him a few tries before he figures out to work his tongue differently than he has been.

     3.       It is important to keep up your milk supply while we are waiting for baby to come around.  If you have an electric pump, this is a great time to use it.  This will allow baby to eat breast milk, instead of formula, from the bottle if he does not  latch right away.  Also, it will tell your body that you need to make milk.  Whatever you remove from the breasts, your body will put that much milk back plus just a little bit more.  If we don’t remove milk then the milk supply goes away,so keep pumping.

     4.       Don’t give up.  Keep offering the breast first at every feeding.  Baby may fight you at first and there will be tears but he is learning right now and if we give up and give him a bottle when he cries, then he has learned that crying changes things.  He will fight for the bottle and now you have a fussy baby because he believes that he has to be in a fit to get what he wants.  However, if you can endure and keep trying through the crying, he will figure out how to remove milk from the breast and then you won’t have to work so hard to convince him to breast feed at the next feeding.

     5.       Don’t be afraid to ask for help.  Jill (IBCLC) and I are here every day.  Feel free to come by the office around feeding times and we will help you get baby latched on and hopefully help you feel less stressed as you go through this.  Also, you can call me 24 hours a day on the breastfeeding helpline 417-315-2135. 

We really want you to be successful.  We have been where you are and felt what you are feeling when we were breastfeeding our own babies.  Please don’t hesitate to call, or come by whenever you need us.  We are here to help.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Benefits of Breastfeeding

This cute story was sent to me in an email recently.  I thought it was funny and wanted to share it with you.


Students in an advanced Biology class were taking their mid-term exam. The last question was, 'Name seven advantages of Mother's Milk.? The question was worth 70 points or none at all.
One student, in particular, was hard put to think of seven advantages.
However, he wrote:
1) It is perfect formula for the child.
2) It provides immunity against several diseases.
3) It is always the right temperature.
4) It is inexpensive.
5) It bonds the child to mother, and vice versa.
6) It is always available as needed. And then the student was stuck.
Finally, in desperation, just before the bell rang indicating the end of the test, he wrote:
7 ) It comes in two attractive containers and it's high enough off the ground where the cat can't get it.

He got an A.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Birthday Hayden!!!!

At our house, April is a very busy birthday month, so once again I am giving a shout out to one of my baby's.

At almost 8 months old, he had the look of a cherub and
his mother was convinced that he was an angel.
Happy 7th Birthday Hayden!!! 

 To the child who taught me all about frogs and snails and puppy dog tails, you are certainly what little boys are made of!
It took him less than 4 years to disprove my "angel theory".
 (I know this picture looks pretty scary and the first time I saw it, it took my breath away,
 but I promise it is staged.)
Too bad this wasn't the same day as the
chicken coop experience!  My cherub has
turned into an energetic bean pole.

I wish I could tell you that this
was just mud, but the truth is
 Grandma let him play in the chicken
coop with the water hose.
I will leave you to your own

He does clean up pretty good though.  I don't know about you,
but I am a little crazy about this sharp dressed man.

Friday, April 12, 2013

April Prize

Don't you just love those diaper "cakes" that you see at baby showers?  I thought so!!

You see in April, three of my kiddos have birthdays and a cake seemed to fit my chaotic life right now.  Why not share the good vibes, right?   This is my first attempt, so be kind, but I thought it would be a great prize to give away with tiers stuffed with bibs, lotion, Lansinoh cream, burp cloths, a sleep sack, a sleeper, a couple pairs of booties a breast pump and more!  If you look closely you will even find a "breast" ;)

As always, if you would like to enter the drawing, just let me know.  I just need name, address, phone, email, and due date.

24 hour Breast Feeding Helpline: 417-315-2135
Or stop by the Polk County Health Center.  I would love to talk with you!

Good luck!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Happy Birthday Allisissy!!!!

Happy 12th Birthday to my 7-minute kid!
This was my 2nd baby to breast feed but she taught me quite a bit.  I call her the "7-minute kid" because she got in and got things done!  I don't believe I ever nursed her more than 7 minutes, but she doesn't seem to have suffered.

Mattie Allison Ashlock
5 months

3 years

Free spirited 11 year old who often dances like no one is watching

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Luvs - Breastfeeding

I LOVE this Luvs commercial!!!!

Have you seen this one?  I don't have TV at my house so I miss out on a lot of the really funny commercials ( I also miss a lot of the crazy, sad, inappropriate stuff that seems to overwhelm the air ways - thus the no TV.  I am not a weirdo, I just choose to raise my kids in a world with as few bad examples as possible).  Anyway, someone shared this commercial with me the other day and it made me giggle.  Hopefully, you will get a kick out of it too.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

March Prize Basket Winner

Congratulations!  Congratulations! Congratulations!

Abby Inglis is our March Prize Winner!!

Abby and Denny Inglis
It is not too late to enter the prize drawings.  I will be putting a new basket together every month.  The April basket is still underway, but watch the blog to get the first glimpse of the latest goodies.  As always, if you would like to enter the drawing, just let me know.  I just need name, address, phone, email, and due date.

24 hour Breast Feeding Helpline: 417-315-2135
Or stop by the Polk County Health Center.  I would love to talk with you!

Good luck and again congratulations go out to Abby.